Thursday, January 24, 2013

Welcome Back Michelle ! ♥

Hello !

Feels good to be back to blog! The last time I wrote my blog when I was still in Junior high school, so it was like about 7 or 8 years ago? (gasp!) time flies-time flies..

Actually, I've discussed about me going back to blog with my besties since like 6 months ago, but blogging is such a huuuugeee commitment! At the moment, I have no time to write, set up my blog, inserting cute and nice stuffs to my blog, etc... It's been a tough months, really. Struggling with unimportant useless thesis, work project, my graduate program admissions, and the other bothering stuffs, exhausting! 

But hey, it's all okay now.. problems are slowly fading away so, I'm starting to blog again.. Actually I did my best to recover my old blog, cos it's gonna be soo interesting to read what's 13- 14 years old Michelle wrote at that time, but it seems like no way to recover my old blog, sokay, let's just start a new one
I feel like, probably my current face is somehow like this
That's it for the intro, feel free to give in comments, inputs or what-so-ever.. Gonna update about everything that I'd like to share to you real soon!


- Michelle-